Mallim's Blog

Thoughts, stories, and ideas of a Software Craftsman

Organise content with tags

by Gridsome1 min read

Tags in Bleda are defined in your posts's Front matter. You can specify them in either YAML format: Or in array format: On archive pages (homepage, tags page, author page), only the first tag will be shown. The single post view will show all tags at the bottom. Slug format Each ...

Adding a post author

in Getting Started 1 min read

Just like with tags, you can also organise your posts by author. Simply add an author: some-name to your posts' Front Matter, and the author collection and URLs will be automatically generated. Multi-author blogs You can use unique author names to create a 'multi-author' blog. Ch ...

Deploying your site

by Gridsome in Getting Started 1 min read

Seriously, this is a static site. You could just run gridsome build and then upload the entire dist folder to any web host. Deploy to Netlify 🔥 Simply connect Netlify to your GitHub repo and trigger a site rebuild every time you push to master. Click this wonderful button to get ...

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

by Gridsome in Literature 2 min read

"One tallow stain, or even two, might come by chance; but when I see no less than five, I think that there can be little doubt that the individual must be brought into frequent contact with burning tallow--walks upstairs at night probably with his hat in one hand and a guttering ...

Happy little quotes from Bob Ross

by Gridsome in Art 1 min read

We'll put a happy little bush here. A little happy sunlight shining through there. We tell people sometimes: we're like drug dealers, come into town and get everybody absolutely addicted to painting. It doesn't take much to get you addicted. Trees get lonely too, so we'll give hi ...