1 min read

路過人間 (A PasserBy)


Singer: 郁可唯 (Yisa Yu)
作曲 Composed by:張簡君偉 Alex Chang Jien
作詞 Lyrics by:施人誠 Derek Shih
編曲 Arranger:Jerry C

嘿 意不意外 她背影 那麼輕快
Hey there, is it a surprise, to see her toddling away

嘿 要明白 人會來 就會離開
Hey there, when people come, people will leave someday

世上唯一不變 是人都善變
What will remain unchanging in this world is the flickering mind ?

路過人間 愛都有期限
To a Passerby, love will always come with a due date

天可憐見 心碎在所難免
Even with God bless, heartbreak is still inevitable

以為痛過幾回 多了些修煉
To even think that after a few rounds of pain, you will be seasoned

路過人間 就懂得防衛
To think that to be a Passerby, you will know how to be guarded

說來慚愧 人只要有機會 就又淪陷
But sadly, given even a slim chance, you will be fallen again

嘿 別再猜 她可曾 想過回來
Hey there, you can stop wondering, whether she is thinking of coming back

嘿 醒過來 你很好 她也不壞
Hey there, wake up your idea, neither you are bad nor she is wrong

快快抹乾眼淚 看曇花多美
Quickly shed off your tears, take a quick look at the forever pretty night-blooming cereus

路過人間 無非一瞬間
To a Passerby, life is just a blink of an eye

每段並肩 都不過是擦肩
Every shoulder to shoulder if not just a brush past

曾經辜負哪位 這才被虧欠
It's just that only for the past betrayals, then you will be owed

路過人間 一直這輪迴
To a Passerby, we are always running in circles

幸運一點 也許最後和誰 都不相欠
Maybe you will be lucky, you will end up owing no one


人對愛和永遠 應該有幻覺
People always fantasize about love and happily ever after

路過人間 也才幾十年
To a Passerby, if not but for just a few decades

卻為了愛 勇於蹉跎歲月
Because of love, we have the courage to drift with time

相遇離別 貪瞋愛痴怨
With cheers to the Five Poisons (klesas)

路過人間 就忙著這些
A Passerby is busy with nothing but these

誰有意見 莫非是心裡面 渺無人煙
Whoever thinks otherwise, could it be that the heart is deserted

無人可戀 來這人間 有多浪費
And it will be a waste, to come to this world, with no one to long for