2 min read

不曾回來過 (Never To Come Back)


Singer 歌手: Nana Lee 李千娜

想當初 你愛著我
xiǎng dāngchū nǐ àizhe wǒ
To think of your past love

nà yǒu duō wēnróu
How tender it is

xiànzài nǐ suí fēng ér zǒu
And now that you gone with the wind

bùcéng huíláiguò
Never to come back again

多年前 我愛著你
duō nián qián wǒ àizhe nǐ
Long long time ago, I used to love you

bùshì shuí de cuò
It's nobody's fault

是命運帶你來過 卻又將你帶走
shì mìngyùn dài nǐ lái guò què yòu jiāng nǐ dài zǒu
It is Fate that brings you here, and yet it is also Fate who take you away

再愛的 再疼的 終究會離開
zài ài de zài téng de zhōngjiù huì líkāi
No matter how deep is our love, no matter how hurtful, we will still seperate

再恨的 再傷的 終究會遺忘
zài hèn de zài shāng de zhōngjiù huì yíwàng
No matter how hateful, no matter how hurting, we will finally forget

不捨得 捨不得 沒有什麼非誰不可
bù shěde shěbude méiyǒu shé me fēi shuí bùkě
Can't let go, for that is unbearable, although we still make do without each other

jiù ràng zìjǐ màn man chéngzhǎng
Just to let yourself to grow up slowly

màn man fàngxià
Gradually letting go

這些年 時間的手
zhèxiē nián shíjiān de shǒu
All these years, in the hands of Time

wú xīndì zuònòng
Innocently disturbing

牽著你 不停的走 不曾回來過
qiānzhe nǐ bù tíng de zǒu bùcéng huíláiguò
Holding your hands and walking non-stop, not wanting to come back

過去的 就讓他過
guòqù de jiù ràng tāguò
Let the bypass to be bypass

wǒ bìng bù cuìruò
I am not that weak

只記得 當時的我
zhǐ jìde dāngshí de wǒ
Only to remember at that moment

shēnkè de àiguò
We are deeply in love

我難過 我懦弱 學不會灑脫
wǒ nánguò wǒ nuòruò xué bù huì sǎtuō
I am sad, I am weak, I am unable to be easygoing

越想念 越失落 悲傷裡走過
yuè xiǎngniàn yuè shīluò bēishāng li zǒuguò
The more I thinking of you, the more lost I feel, the more my heart sadden

很久很久以後 終於找到心的出口
hěnjiǔ hěn jiǔ yǐhòu zhōngwū zhǎodào xīn de chūkǒu
After a very long long time, then I finally found the way out

現在的我勇敢放手 讓你自由
xiànzài de wǒ yǒnggǎn fàngshǒu ràng nǐ zìyóu
To give me the courage, to let you free

想當初 你愛著我
xiǎng dāngchū nǐ àizhe wǒ
To think of your past love

nà yǒu duō wēnróu
How sweet is it

xiànzài nǐ suí fēng ér zǒu bùcéng huíláiguò
And now that you gone with the wind

bùcéng huíláiguò
Never to come back again

Han yu pin yin from https://musicacrossasia.blogspot.com/2017/04/nana-lee-bu-ceng-hui-lai-guo-lyrics.html