27 posts in total


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Learning Monos and Fluxes

by Mallim1 min read

Added java101/reactor to give myself examples for Reactor Core. Managed to be able to use Spring 5 at work and have to look at Spring WebFlux. So have to get my head wrap around Monos and Fluxes. Quite an eye opener though Examples from Article at http://www.baeldung.com/reactor ...

maven hangs at jackson-annotations 2.9.0

by Mallim1 min read

Followed the instructions at JACKSON DEPENDENCY ISSUE IN SPRING BOOT WITH MAVEN BUILD to resolve the issue. For an example of the maven pom.xml, you can look at https://github.com/mallim/java101/tree/master/spring-async-complfuture

Let My Future be Complete...

by Mallim1 min read

Introduction I have tried and put up some examples at https://github.com/mallim/java101 (look for completablefuture package). On my laptop, RealLifeWithoutCompletableFutureExample took 15087 ms and RealLifeCompletableFutureExample 5098 ms. Hmm.. so there is a a difference. Librar ...

Cross-Compilation Options: java -source -target

by Mallim1 min read

Introduction Notes to myself to unwrap my head about this crossover compilation thingy. Cross-Compilation Options Given JDK 8 when -source 1.8 -target 1.6 then Cannot work Given JDK 8 when -source 1.8 -target 1.7 then Cannot work Given JDK 8 when -source 1.6 -target 1.6 then ...

Patterns - Pipeline / Chain of Reponsiblity in Java

by Mallim1 min read

Pipeline and Chain of Reponsiblity both look quite similar to me. Pipeline: Pipeline pattern - Plumber quest - got an example here Function composition and the Collection Pipeline pattern it shows how you can transform multiple for loops to a functional ones Chain of Respon ...

Mother of all Java resource

by Mallim1 min read

This is my own awesome-java references. Here they are ... spring-modules fork of the abandoned SpringModules (unofficial extensions for Spring). Wow... Do it yourself Multi Value Map with Java 8 it shows examples in Apache Common Collections, Guava, Eclipse Collections and on ...