3 min read

What are my development tools on Windows?


Tools and utilities which I will install when I got a new laptop for development besides my usual IDE.

Table of Contents

The Must-Haves


FreeCommander is the Windows Explorer replacement which I will always install.
Besides the dual pane, the file search is one of the best and accurate which I come across. Sometimes, with FreeCommander and Notepad++, I can just go on to edit Java source code.


Notepad++ is the Windows Notepad replacement with the necessary color syntax required to see a lot of different types of file formats. I seldom open Windows Notepad because of Notepad++. Portable version available.


7-zip is my default tool for opening zip and tar.gz files. Portable version available.


Cmder is the multi-tab Windows console replacement. It is ConEmu plus git-for-windows bundled with all the Unix commands.


IranView is used for screenshots and cropping and quick way to edit images.


Fork is my first choice git client on Windows

The Second Waves


reveal.js is my quick and dirty way to do technical presentation. I used the reveal-md, reveal.js on steroids! to have a better experience in using reveal.js.


Postman this is must-have for REST API development.

Team Must-Haves


I used to use Redmine as the go-to for intranet wiki, issues management alternative. Even since I lay my hands on Gitbucket, it becomes my platform for intranet wiki and issues management alternative. The only thing it is not good enough is actually the CI functionality.


Jenkins is the default Continuous Integration tool I will use.

Nexus Repository OSS

Nexus Repository OSS is the private maven repository manage. Alternatively, I am going to explore using Git as the private maven repository.



[VNote]((https://tamlok.github.io/vnote/) is primarily used for editing Markdown files. I used this to edit markdown files against a git repository.


ConEmu is the multi-tab Windows console replacement. Most of the time, I will use Maven to compile source code, this comes in very handy with the colors and maximized Windows. Portable version available.


TiddlyWiki is my really really private personal wiki. Which to confess, I won't use at home :-)


Redmine before I come across and actively using - Gitbucket

In the pipeline to try out...

I will always keep a look out of the different handy tools to use for development purpose:

Inspired by


Update 2018-May-09

  • Added [VNote]((https://tamlok.github.io/vnote/) - this one looks basic enough to use to edit markdown files and quite good to use with a git backend.
  • Added Redmine to deprecates.
  • Included a Table of Content

Let me know if you think there are tools which I should explore...